CSS, JavaScript,PHP...
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CSS, JavaScript,PHP And Python Programming All in One Course [Course Free]

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Bài viết: 140
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Tham gia: 2 năm trước

Learn CSS with Javascript, PHP And Python Programming Language All in One Course

What you'll learn

  1. Introduction to CSS And JavaScript concepts, PHP Programming Language And Python Programming Language
  2. Practically Getting Started With CSS Styles, CSS 2D Transform, CSS 3D Transform
  3. Write JavaScript scripts and Gain knowledge in regard to general javaScript programming concepts
  4. PHP Section Introduction to PHP, Various Operator types , PHP Arrays, PHP Conditional statements
  5. Getting Started with PHP Function Statements And PHP Decision Making
  6. Python function statements and python decision making
  7. python use of lambda function and python command line arguments
  8. Write CSS Scripts And Understanding Concepts
  9. Getting Started With Javascript Variables,Values and Data Types, Operators and Operands
  10. Introduction And Use of JavaScript Variables, JavaScript Arrays, JavaScript Objects
  11. Getting Started with PHP 7 concepts PHP CSPRNG And PHP Scalar Declaration
  12. Python section ,python operators and various operator types
  13. Python loops, various python loops used in combinations

Course content

4 sections • 127 lectures • 10h 9m total length


Learn CSS and Javascript and PHP And Python all in one complete course

section 1- CSS course with basics and advanced concepts of CSS

Section 2- learn javascript programming language

section 3- learn PHP programming language

Section 4- python programming language.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Full Stack Developers
  • Beginner Web Developer

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